Sometimes, an encounter is best defined by the differences and the common ground it reveals. Exploring what the other is all about becomes an opportunity to tell a new story...
The PAROLES concept is the result of two entities meeting with, at its core, a love for culture and for the city of Toulouse. Different sets of expertise. Different universes. Common sense of aesthetics, a shared passion for color, graphic design and art. These common territories led to a fertile and daring creative exchange. Two brands finding each other, both known for their attachment to authenticity, away from the trend. A joyful collaboration, free from predetermined codes.
“Creation is a quest for singularity, the storytelling of who we are, of the kind of universe we aim to offer. I use my daily life and my sensitivity, always. My life nourishes my brand," says Pierre Louis Mascia.
“The round shape is at the core of A&V. We went all out. Uncensored. This stakefreeplayground gave birth to graphic, strong, expressive frames that resemble us,” add Anne and Valentin.
As if dipped in Jacques Prévert’s ink, each frame from the PAROLES concept is inspired by intense playfulness and, more specifically, the powerful text Je suis comme je suis , meaning “I am what I am”, made famous by French singer Juliette Greco. I am what I am has inspired many performers, amongst whom the great Gloria Gaynor. It sings of absolute, accepted, unabashed freedom, exempt from any dogma. The word-images conjured by poetry evoke worlds that resonate with our aspirations.These three models, each available in three colors, are meant for the truthful souls out there, who enjoy cultivating doubt, who love to tell stories and who, with ferocity and panache, see humor as the quintessential salt of life.
This enthusiastic and free-spirited collaboration gave birth to “artist” glasses, without a hint of opportunism. The singularity and the asymmetry of the models, rendered with colors, reign. These frames are beautiful front and behind, and details abound, thanks to a long, painstaking work, exploring all the possibilities offered by color, both in terms of placement techniques, and the number of colors used.
Je suis comme je suis,
I am what I am,
I was born like this,
What more do you want from me?
I am the O of Art DecO
I am the e = mc2, my lOve
I’m a ghOst stOry
I am an ad hOc surprise